Climate change
Which reminds me, Portugal has been unusually cold this Winter. The other day, my friend Manuela sighted this unusual creature in Evora.

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Thoughts on science, literature, music, food, politics
and anything else I might feel compelled to impose on an unsuspecting public
"[S]o much of the mass communication of evolution is so dull and uninspiring. [For example] the 8 part Evolution series by PBS released a few years ago [...]. We ordered the 7th episode of the Evolution series, on God and religion, and found it unwatchable. At one of my recent screenings a member of the audience offered up that she ordered the second episode for a museum display and found the same thing – five minutes into it they shut it off. [...] These sorts of productions need the simple, honest feedback of evolutionists who have purchased their videos, shown them to their neighbors, and watched them fall asleep. Just send them a note and say this is not good enough. Raise the bar. Its that simple. When evolution media looks bad, evolutionists look bad.Interesting, coming from someone who tells us not to "condescend" and to "lighten up a bit" later on. Just by curiosity, did you actually watch the whole series, or just the last episode? I happen to think that the series is excellent. Some episodes (e.g., the evolution of infectious disease and the sexual selection / evolution of sex ones) are among the best popular science programs I've ever seen. My wife who is a scientist but not an evolutionary biologist (nobody's perfect!) also enjoyed them.
"For each of these parameter combinations, I examined whether the circuit adopts limit cycle oscillations with a period of ≈24 h [...] The fraction of randomly chosen parameters that yield circadian oscillations is an estimate of the fractional volume (P) of parameter space that admits such oscillations [...] P can serve as a proxy for a circuit's robustness to perturbations: changing parameters at random in a topology with high P is more likely to yield a parameter combination leading to circadian oscillations than in a topology with low P."Of the 378 topologies, 176 show no random parameter combinations capable of generating circadian oscillations (P less than 1/5,000). Among the 201 topologies producing oscillations, robustness (P) varies by nearly 2 orders of magnitude among circuit topologies. For most of these topologies, only one or a few of the 5,000 randomly chosen parameter combinations produce circadian oscillations (low P). But for a small fraction of topologies, over 5% of parameter combinations yield such oscillations (high P). Here are nine of the topologies with the highest associated robustness:
"This question is best posed by considering the following graph or network representation of oscillator topologies. Consider a graph where each node corresponds to an oscillator topology that is capable of displaying circadian oscillations. Connect two nodes (topologies) by an edge if the two topologies differ by only one regulatory interaction [see a, below]. Such neighboring topologies can arise from each other by genetic change that affects only one regulatory interaction. The question whether robust oscillator topologies can be found through a series of such changes, i.e., through gradual evolution, is a question about the structure of this graph. There is a spectrum of possibilities with two extremes. First, the nodes (oscillator topologies) of this graph may be disconnected. That is, a topology capable of circadian oscillations has no neighboring topologies also capable of producing such oscillations. This would mean that robust topologies cannot be reached from less robust topologies, because functional oscillators are isolated islands in this graph. At the opposite extreme, this graph might consist of one densely connected component, where any two topologies are connected by a path of edges. In this case, stepwise evolutionary alteration of a circuit topology could start from any one topology and reach any other topology via intermediate topologies that admit circadian oscillations.Part b of the figure below shows this metagraph for the 201 topologies capable of producing circadian oscillations (P at least 1/5,000).
"[G]radual evolutionary changes in circuit topology can generate any circuit topology from any other topology within such a component, without transitions through circuits that do not allow circadian oscillations."The high evolutionary accessibility of robust topologies is not trivial: metagraphs composed of random samples of 201 topologies (i.e., picked independently of their robustness) tend to show, on average, over 20 disconnected components.
"Perhaps this is a generic feature of genetic organization, but perhaps it reflects a coevolution between evolved networks, biologists and theorists: modular, robust networks are the easiest to get at experimentally. Thus, they are the best understood and are the best fodder for models."There is only one way to find out... To keep working!
"Of the amino acid altering mutations arising in mitochondrial protein-coding genes of D. pulex, we estimate that 73.2% have strongly deleterious effects and are subject to purifying selection irrespective of the population's breeding system, 13.3% have moderately deleterious effects and persist only in asexual populations, 4.4% are mildly deleterious and allowed to persist in the short-term even in sexual populations, and 9.1% are effectively neutral. Thus, the rate of accumulation of deleterious amino acid–altering mutations in asexual lineages, 4.4+13.3=17.7%, is four times as high as that for sexual lineages (4.4%)."
"First, the principal clock mechanism is simple. It minimally involves one gene that is expressed to produce a mRNA and a protein product that may undergo further modification and exerts direct or indirect negative feedback on the expression of its own gene. Examples include the frequency (frq) gene in the fungus Neurospora crassa, the timeless (tim) gene in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and the kaiC gene in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus spp. This simple mechanism will generate sustained oscillations in protein concentrations only if the negative feedback is slow. That is, there must be a delay between the time at which the gene product's concentration rises because of its expression and the time at which the gene product represses its own expression. [...] The second common feature of many circadian oscillators is that they consist of not one but two or more oscillating gene products whose regulation is linked. This holds in organisms as different as the fungus Neurospora, the fruit fly Drosophila, and mammals."More interestingly, like Swiss watches, they show remarkable accuracy and precision under a range of conditions. In his paper, Wagner asks:
"[W]hether interlocked circadian oscillators may be an accident of life's history (there are infinitely many ways to obtain limit cycle oscillations in regulatory systems), or whether such interlocking may exist because it provides especially robust oscillations."There is, of course, another, if less scientific, alternative that Wagner forgot to mention: that an intelligent designer decided to make circadian clocks that way. Maybe the designer was even Swiss! William Paley seems to have been thinking about this problem two centuries ago:
"But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground, and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place. [...] When we come to inspect the watch, we perceive [...] that its several parts are framed and put together for a purpose [...]; that, if the different parts had been differently shaped from what they are, of a different size from what they are, or placed after any other manner, or in any other order, than that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been carried on in the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now served by it. [...] This mechanism being observed [...], the inference, we think, is inevitable, that the watch must have had a maker: that there must have existed, at some time, and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer; who comprehended its construction, and designed its use."Interestingly, Wagner actually tested all three hypotheses, something that the proponents of intelligent design creationism seem incapable of doing themselves. I'll explain how in the next post.